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Restore Youthful Fullness to Your Cheeks with Dermal Fillers

As we age, facial volume is lost, leaving cheeks looking hollow and gaunt. Dermal fillers can replenish the volume in your cheeks, restoring a more youthful, lifted appearance.

What are Dermal Fillers for Cheeks?

Our cheeks naturally lose collagen and fat volume over the decades. This causes the middle and lower cheeks to flatten, creating depressions, hollows, and premature wrinkling. Dermal filler injections use hyaluronic acid gel to replace lost volume, refilling and reshaping cheeks for a plumper look. By restoring the youthful fullness of earlier years, dermal fillers can make you appear more refreshed, rejuvenated, and radiant.

Dermal Fillers for Cheeks: Step-by-Step Process

  1. During our consultation, I’ll discuss your goals and concerns in depth. I’ll examine your face to determine the best treatment plan.
  2. For your comfort, I offer a topical numbing cream containing lidocaine. This is applied 30-60 minutes before injections to desensitize the skin.
  3. Using a very thin needle, I’ll strategically inject gel filler into the mid and lower cheekbone areas in fractional doses, building up the volume in ultra-thin layers. This ensures a smooth, natural result.
  4. As I inject, I use featherlight stroking motions to fan out the filler and sculpt fullness. Once injected, a light massaging technique is applied to shape and position the product, creating seamless transitions along the contours.
  5. Before you leave, I’ll have you smile, frown, and make expressions so I can ensure balanced, symmetrical results on both sides. Touch-ups may be done if needed.
  6. I’ll provide detailed care instructions to follow, like applying arnica gel to reduce bruising. It’s best to avoid strenuous activities for a few days as the skin settles.

Most patients see immediate results after just one treatment, but final results may take 1-2 weeks as swelling subsides. Touch-ups every 6-12 months help maintain your transformed look.

Post-treatment Experience

Swelling and bruising, if any, are typically mild and fade quickly. Over-the-counter pain medication can relieve minor discomfort I may experience. Redness rarely lasts more than a couple of days.

Are Dermal Fillers for Cheeks Safe?

Generally, cheek dermal fillers pose minimal risks. As with any injection, side effects can include bruising, redness, swelling, and tenderness. Infections or allergic reactions are exceedingly rare when FDA-approved fillers are used with proper technique in a sterile environment.

Am I a Good Candidate?

Ideal candidates have minimal to moderate volume loss in their mid and lower cheekbones but without sagging jowls or wrinkles. Those with reasonable expectations of moderate volume restoration will likely see positive changes. A consultation with me determines if fillers suit your skin type, structure, and concerns.

Book Now

Restore youthful fullness and definition to your face without surgery. Schedule your consultation with me today to find out if dermal fillers can help achieve your aesthetic goals. Contact me now to transform your look!

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